
Scania is a global company with a long tradition, which is today designing the vehicles of tomorrow and makes them become reality. Scania really focusses on innovation, collaboration and creativity. By doing so the company develops autonomous vehicles which are used in mining or public transportation. For Scania the concept of a connected city is no longer only an idea but is already made reality using the most modern technology.


To make its ideas and visions for the future cities, the sustainable public transport for everyone and the future mobility public, Scania worked together with future researcher Adah Parris, visionary Håkan Schildt and author Leigh Alexander to create a podcast featuring multiple near-future short stories about “Future Cities“, “Automation” and “Collaboration“.  In the so called “Future Room” the company takes the listeners with it on an interesting and exciting dream-voyage into the near future. We were asked to make those visions come to life through creative sounddesign and to make a deep and special immersion into the fictional yet tangible future possible for the listeners.
Listen to the full version of the three Scania-podcasts here and immerse yourself into the world of Scania’s “Future Room”:

Contact us. We're looking forward to hearing from you.

+49 170 521 7471
