Lübeck based firm Dräger belongs to the Hidden Champions of Germany. The company managed by its owners in its fifth generation is market leader for respiration and gas detection (medical and safety sector).
In 2012 we started developing the acoustic identity of Dräger. In a close cooperation with the branding team and even the support of Mr. Stefan Dräger himself, we defined the brand in the acoustic brand and implemented the first applications.
Beside the new defined audio-visual logo, the Dräger theme has been adapted for film, for ringtones and event music, as well as for the worldwide telephone on-hold music. In addition, voice profiles have been developed and implemented. The defined corporate voice guarantees that Dräger is perceived emotionally the way the brand has been defined. An extensive style guide as well as a music box guarantee that all departments and locations use the acoustic brand design consequently and consistently.
Dräger On Hold Music
Dräger Audio Logo