Stars | Music | Brands

May 25, 20160 comments

More than 10.000 follower per month. The starry podcast is in its 10th year.


Since ten years the acg audio consulting group produces its popular starry podcast in collaboration with the Planetarium Hamburg and the Hamburger Abendblatt (Hamburg Eveningpost).
 The „acoustic“ observation of space reaches up to 15 thousand listerners each month and became a valuable tool for customer engagement.
 Due to the recently established cooperation with the Berliner Morgenpost, further potential for a growing audience will develop. Not to mention, there could be the possiblity to gain the fifth of five possible iTunes Stars .

Cannes Lions Festival – Entertainment Lions for Music – June, 18th – 25th


For the first time, this years’s edition of the Cannes Lions Festival covers the synergies between music, artists and brands.
 We’re very happy that the festival creates an audience, and therefore points the way, to topics like music and brands in a digital context, craft & composition, music plattforms and live experience.

Spotify Brand Playlists


We also work work to generate added value for our clients using Co Branding Models with streaming services like Spotify. This tool is easy and simple to be implemented in the brand appearance. It allows the brand to interact with the customer in his environment with content that conveys the brand values. It also engages the user by offering to generate (brand) playlists via co-creation. This offers unheard potential for brands. Click here for the video!