The new brand strategy of Coca-Cola
A critical (sound-) analysis of the campaign ‘Taste the Feeling’
Better hear than listen?
Have a look at the videos
With the beginning of this year Coca-Cola announced a new One Brand Strategy. And again music is playing an important role. DJ Avicii (Tim Bergling) developed a music title for Coke, which is meant to be used in different versions throughout brand communication. Also they announced a new Sonic ID.
The new Audio Signature [su_audio url=””]
We have listened carefully:
The song is likeable and clearly flows with the Zeitgeist but we believe it will be short lived.
The sonic ID utilises the product sounds of a bottle opening and pour, connected with a sung promise: ’Taste the Feeling’.
We hear more of a jingle than a sonic ID. This limits the reach, penetration and power of sound to emotionally connect the consumer with the brand of Coca-Cola. A jingle is far less flexible than a sonic ID in establishing a consistent ‘voice’ across sonic touch-points such as point of purchase and cobranding integrations.
Also, the effect of embedded branding, the usage of a sonic ID in different songs used successfully in subtle ways for the Soccer World Cup 2010 and 2014, cannot be realised with a jingle. The use of the bottle opening and “fresh” product sounds will not help, for these are not novel and not exclusive.
There has been no strategic approach to interdependencies between sound, music and brand, in this work.
Last but not least, it has not been used consistently in all new brand films.
Arousing surprising and effective (sonic) key stimuli is only possible with a cohesive sonic ID designed to work across multiple touch points that embodies the voice of this brand. Unfortunately, it is not possible with this Jingle.
Of course a brand like Coca-Cola will get heard. Their new musical appearance in film, TV, in combination with Avicii’s brand will get some attention, but we predict this campaign will be short lived and the sonic ID will not retain resonance over the long term.
Here you can see all at this time available videos:
Coca-Cola Songs – Coca-Cola Deutschland 11.11.2013
Happiness Kampagne – Finding True Happiness – Coca-Cola USA 2014
Share a Coke story – Matthew Hepburn Coca-Cola UK
Taste the Feeling Kampagne – Coca-Cola USA 2016
One Brand Strategy – Matthew Hepburn Coca-Cola UK
The Sounds of ‘Taste the Feeling’ – Jay Moye 19.01.2016 Coca-Cola Company